Tag: supper club

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Nonna's supper club

May and June update

We’ve had several fun supper clubs in the last two months, one being a birthday treat!

As we have had requests for another ‘open’ supper club, since the last one on Saturday 11th May we have decided to have another one on Saturday 13 July 2024.

As soon as the menu is ready we will post it on the blog on our ...

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Supper Club

Ciao a tutti

This was the second supper club this February, and an open one, so new faces! We were 14 in the end! A little squeeze, but everyone seemed to enjoy meeting new people, and a good evening had by all! Well, the plates were empty!

Watch for new dates, but if you would like to bring your own party, please get in touch.

ciao ...

Supper Club
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Supper Club

Saturday 18 February 2023

As promised here is the menu for our open supper club.

Please get in touch if you would like to book. We have two places available as of 3 February 2023.

A presto Jill & Abbi

Pizza with burrata
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Supper Club

First, I must say what a sad month with the news of our dear Queen. What a wonderful human being she was as well as being our Queen. She will be sadly missed, but Charles is going to continue in her footsteps, so we must celebrate her long life and send our good wishes to the King.

This summer, Abbi has been enjoying the delights of Florence ...

Tuscan taster
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Supper Club 2022

Felice Anno nuovo!

Happy New Year 2022

A welcome to 2022, and our new menus.

We already have some dates booked in January and February, but we have an open date of Saturday 26 February. We have several places available. Sorry we couldn’t fit you all in last year. The menu will be available shortly, but if you are interested ...

Wine festival
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Impruneta wine festival

The photo is of the wine festival in Impruneta! Memories of our time in Tuscany, Chianti and the grape harvest.

October Supper Clubs have been full of laughter and fun, thank you all for coming. We are now struggling to fit in any more supper clubs this year, as we are full November and December! If there are any cancellations we will let ...

super club
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supper club

Nonna's fish night was a great success! As you can see from our guests. Several delicious courses from oysters, sashimi, prawns, linguine al vongole, sea bream, etc etc. To finish with panna cotta and tiramisù! Thank you ladies, it was a fun night.

We are now preparing the October menu. November is full, and shortly we will give you the ...

Supper Club news
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Supper club news

Just to let you know that all places have now been reserved for the Fish night on Saturday 25 September.

I was about to publish the menu, but I will keep it as a surprise now!

We are now planning some menus and dates for October, so keep looking at our Blog.

Our Tuscan taster is proving to be very popular and a variation of it ...

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Supper Club news

Some wonderful salami and pecorino has arrived! This Sunday, we had a tasting session with family and friends! We hope to share these wonderful delights with you at our next Supper Club! Next availability is 14 August 2021.

If you are not able to make the Supper Club, you can always come to one of Nonna's Italian lunches! Midweek, al fresco ...

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nonnas supper club

Welcome to Nonna's Kitchen. Please see our classes on offer on this website. These will be on Wednesdays (unless by special request), and will be from 9.30 to 3 pm. The idea is to enjoy finding simple ways to produce an authentic Italian dish, and enjoy it for lunch! Maximum of four people, so come and work in pairs if you wish, or come on your ...

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Nonnas Supper Club

Some interesting facts which will help you understand the Italian menu.

Spaghetti alla bolognese (or spag bol) is a pasta dish invented outside of Italy , and although very popular in various countries, the sauce is never served with spaghetti in Bologna (or elsewhere in Italy), as the pieces of meat do not cling to this shape of pasta. ...

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